The Award Commitee has decided after an internal poll and a final overall evaluation to assign the following Awards:
Best Paper Award
A Unified Dynamics Similitude Model for Solid Continuum
O. B. Adetoro, R. P.R. Cardoso
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Brunel University, UK
Best Early Career Award
Study on scaling law of airburst blast extinguishment with micro explosives
Y. Yoshida, H. Torikai
Graduate School of Science and Technology, Hirosaki University, Japan
Validity and Applicability of the Scaling Effects for Low Velocity Impact on Composite Plates
G. Di Mauro, M. Guida
Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Naples Federico II, Italy
A CFD-based Scaling Analysis on Liquid Droplets moving through A Weak Concurrent Airflow Stream
M. Arabghahestani, N.K. Akafuah, T. X. Li, K. Saito
Institute of Research for Technology Development, University of Kentucky, USA
Effects of Reynolds and Froude Numbers on the Shape of Small-scale Diffusion Flames
N. Makita, K. Kuwana, K. Fujiwara
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Yamagata University, Japan Department of Global Fire Science and Technology, Tokyo University of Science, Japan
The awarded researchers will receive a certificate and a gift on behalf of the Organising, Scientific and Award Commitees of this edition.